Our Services

Repair and Renovation

Carrying out repairs and renovation works both within and outside the temples.Carrying out repairs and renovation to various movable assets of the temples like Vahanas and ornaments and temple bells and utensils.

Providing Annadhanam

To conduct or contribute for Thadhiyaradhanam and annadhanam on important occasions in those temples, providing e-books and special Pooja is performed in the temple.

Construction Works at Temple

To construct additional structures by way of mandapams in the temples and handover the same to the temple authorities.

Supplying Provisions

Contributing for performance of poojas and festivals in temples, especially providing for nithyaaradhana in the temples by either making contributions for daily nivedhanam in the temples.


Rendering financial assistance by way of sambavana and honorarium to vedic and agama as well as to Divya prabandham scholars performing various kainkaryams in the temples either on a monthly or as one time grants.

Financial Assistance

Rendering financial assistance to Vedic and Agama as well as to Divya prabandham scholars in indigent circumstances to meet the cost of their medical treatment.